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TO THE GALLOWS “Fury Of The Netherworld” CD


Rumours about death metal band TO THE GALLOWS have already existed in the (Dutch) metal underground for some years now, but an official release has never seen the light. Until now.

In 2013, the ‘underground super group’ To The Gallows was formed by Swedish metal- wundermaster Rogga Johansson (Paganizer,  Putrevore, Revolting, etc), Eric Daniels and Bob Bagchus (Soulburn, Asphyx) plus Henri Sattler (God Dethroned). Master plans ended when Daniels and Bagchus re-started their career with SOULBURN.
The ‘match made in Hell’ duo Johansson and Sattler continued with To The Gallows and Fury Of The Netherworld is their debut-album.

Brutal blackened death metal for fans of Dissection, Zyklon, Belphegor, Hate, Necrophobic, Archgoat and God Dethroned.

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